Amy Cuevas Schroeder

Less than a year after having twins, I started experiencing telltale symptoms of what I now know is perimenopause — but initially wrote it off as the "aftermath of child birth."

But then the symptoms continued ... night sweats, insomnia, sugar cravings, irritability, headaches, bloating, midsection weight gain. So much fun. Except not at all.

I was raising twins, putting my husband through college, working as the primary breadwinner, and managing these debilitating symptoms, which clearly interfered with my relationships, career, and happiness.

I was not myself.

That was six years ago, and I continue to experience these symptoms and more. My symptoms have, honestly, become my new normal. I've been through a bit of a ringer getting a perimenopause diagnosis and know that I'm in this for the long haul.

Thanks to new research, treatment options, and a swell of menopause awareness activists, I've learned so much about myself and how to manage my symptoms along the way.

About Amy Cuevas Schroeder

Amy Cuevas Schroeder is the founder and CEO of The Midst: the gateway drug to the modern midlife experience. The Midst is a growing platform empowering women in midlife to live healthy lives on their terms.

She started The Midst in her early 40s when she was clearly experiencing telltale symptoms of perimenopause but struggled to get a proper diagnosis and treatment from multiple doctors.

Frustrated, she wrote about her "Adventures in Perimenopause," and the rest is history. To date, The Midst has published hundreds of articles and women's personal stories about perimenopause, midlife women's health, and the incredible changes and opportunities we experience in our 40s and 50s.

Amy founded her first business, Venus Zine, about women in the arts and DIY culture, at 19 and later sold the company.

From there, she worked as a content strategy pioneer for Etsy, Minted,, Grow Therapy, and more.

Read more about The Midst in Femtech Insider.