Perimenopause Awareness Month is a dedicated time each year to raise awareness, share knowledge, and foster understanding about the transitional phase of perimenopause that millions of women experience. Launched through a collaborative effort between Perry, a pioneering community platform supporting women through perimenopause, and the National Menopause Foundation, a leading organization advocating for women's health, this initiative seeks to highlight the unique challenges and changes associated with perimenopause.

Our Mission

Perimenopause Awareness Month aims to:

  • Educate: Provide accurate, comprehensive information about perimenopause, its symptoms, and management strategies.

  • Support: Offer resources and a supportive community for women navigating this life stage.

  • Advocate: Promote better healthcare practices and policies to improve the quality of life for women during perimenopause.

How It Started

The inception of Perimenopause Awareness Month began with Perry and the National Menopause Foundation recognizing a critical gap in public understanding and support for women in the perimenopausal stage.

Perry, known for its innovative approach to creating a supportive online community and providing expert insights on perimenopause, partnered with the National Menopause Foundation, an organization dedicated to advancing women's health through education and advocacy.

Together, they established Perimenopause Awareness Month to ensure women receive the attention, respect, and care they deserve during this pivotal time in their lives.

What We Do

During Perimenopause Awareness Month, we:

  • Host Educational Webinars and Workshops: Featuring leading healthcare professionals, researchers, and advocates.

  • Share Personal Stories: Encouraging women to share their experiences, fostering a sense of community and mutual support.

  • Provide Resources: Offering guides, articles, and tools to help women manage their perimenopausal symptoms effectively.

  • Advocate for Change: Working with policymakers, healthcare providers, and organizations to improve perimenopausal care and support.

Join Us

Whether you are experiencing perimenopause, supporting someone who is, or simply want to learn more, we invite you to join us in raising awareness and making a difference.

Together, we can break the silence, dispel the myths, and empower women to navigate perimenopause with confidence and support.

Get involved